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Handong UNITWIN Fellowship

Reference and Citation
Reference refers to the list of materials that have been consulted and used in the paper.
These can include books, articles, websites, reports, and other sources. 
The reference list is usually included at the end of the paper in a separate section.

Citation, on the other hand, refers to the specific source that has been referenced in a particular part of the paper. 
This means that when a sentence, idea, figure, table, or any other material is used in the paper, the source of that material needs to be cited.
Citations are usually included in the body of the paper.

Therefore, reference and citation are two different concepts, but they are used together in academic papers. 
Citations help to acknowledge the sources of the materials used in the paper, while references provide a list of the sources consulted and used in the paper.

How can I cite and reference visuals(images, tables, figures, etc.)?
For guidance on how to properly cite images, we recommend reviewing the following resources:

Citing and Referencing Visuals in APA 7th Style | Tables, Figures, Images, Photographs

How to cite and reference an online image

Cite a Google image (MLA, APA, Chicago) | Citation Machine
How can I put a citation?

There are various ways to make citations. You could use APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.  

Whichever you use, you should at least include the “Title, Author/Editor, Publisher, Year of Publication, Page”. 

For your reference, we attached the link below that may help you with citation. 

Citation Machine:

Citation Guides : 

Citation generator: