
Engineering > Computer Science

Automata Theory
Martha Gichuki
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology
Spring 2022



Automata Theory course content begins with an introduction to logic and formal grammar where learners will do a recap on sets, logic and truth tables. Formal language and grammar will then follow to enable learners differentiate regular and context free languages. An evaluation of the computability and complexity of practical computational problems which are the foundations of automata theory will then be done and the outcome will be problem description. 
Boolean algebra application in the design of finite state machines will be covered where learners are expected to gain an understanding of finite state machines, Turing Machines and Push Down automata. The Church’s thesis will culminate the study of various models of computation.

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Courses List

No. Course Format File Date
1 lecture 1 - Introduction to Automata Theory and Sets 2022-06-16
2 lecture 2 - Sequences, Functions and Relations 2022-06-16
3 lecture 3 - Introduction to Logic and Truth Tables 2022-06-16
4 lecture 4 - Logical Equivalence 2022-06-16
5 lecture 5 - Kleene's Automata Theorem, Symbolic Logic and Formal Systems 2022-06-16
6 lecture 6 - Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Fininte Automata 2022-06-16
7 lecture 7 - Models of Computation - Finite State Machine (FSM) 2022-06-21
8 lecture 8 - Models of Computation - PushDown Automata (PDA) 2022-06-21
9 lecture 9 - Models of Computation - Turing Machines (TM) 2022-06-21
10 lecture 10 - Alphabets and Formal Language Definition 2022-06-21
11 lecture 11 - Regular Languages and Context Free Languages 2022-06-21
12 lecture 12 - Grammar Ambiguity 2022-06-21
13 lecture 13 - Problem Computability and the Halting Problem 2022-06-21
